Calling BS on the Horny Gamers Who Want to Bust for 'Cyberpunk 2077'

By nootens

Published 4 years ago in Facepalm

"Are ya winnin' son?"

cyberpunk 2077 video game

Aside from its frequent delays, the biggest conversation happening around Cyberpunk 2077 is about the many sexual aspects of the game.

cyberpunk 2077 porn subreddit

The developers added things like a genital customizer in the character creation screen at the beginning of the game, letting you mix and match your junk and mess with the sizing to pack as much meat in your trousers as you want.

cyberpunk 2077 genital customizer character select screen

There's also some sex scenes in the game, which is to be expected coming from the people who made The Witcher III, a game with plenty of sex scenes.

Then on top of that there's an entire area in the game packed with strip clubs and street hoes for you to diddle. Plus supposedly enemy hideouts often have tons of spare dildos just lying around for you to check out.

These additions have risked the game getting an 18+ rating in Australia and made countries like Japan actually blur out the digital nudity.

Because of this, some people have been filling Cyberpunk's subreddit with graphic explanations of all the sex they're going to have in the game.

For a game that some developers have already spent more than 100 hours playing and not finished, some horny guys are claiming they're going to spend the majority of that time banging hookers.

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That's not only a blatant lie—they will surely get bored once they realize playing a video game isn't anything like whacking off to VR porn—but it's also a ridiculous claim.

Even if this game was primarily a sex simulator, how much sex simulation can a person really endure? One, two hours tops?

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Fake virtual sex pixels can only do so much for a person before their mind starts wandering and they wanna get a snack or go outside.

cyberpunk 2077 comment

So for all the horny people claiming they're gonna use Cyberpunk 2077 as a sexual release, stop lying to yourselves. Like your actual sex life, you're gonna get the game, play a hooker game for one to two minutes, and then go another year before doing anything like it again.

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